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"Don't forget to enjoy this great game called golf!" 

 - Rick Musselman

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Look for Rick's Golf Tip every Sunday in the Sports Section of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette!

Need help with your swing? Looking to putt better? Take strokes off your game and have more fun on the course with professional golf lessons at Musselman's Golf. Lessons in the golf studio are the best way to improve your game. Utilizing the simulator and GoPro camera gives Rick and his students great feedback to improve golfers of every skill level.

Rick doesn't change your swing, he incorporates the common denominators to improve your game. Rick Musselman approaches golf instruction like a music, dance, or any other fine art instructor teaches their trade. After all, golf is a fine art.

Let's Talk Tempo

Tempo is the most misunderstood word in golf. Most golfers think the word means slow. That is not the case, tempo is nothing more than a smooth transition between the back-swing and the downswing.

For example: if your total swing time is two seconds, the back-swing time should be one second, the downswing should be one second. The time factor should be split 50/50. I like to tell my students that we are trying to fool mother physics. Take the club up and down without the club knowing it changed directions.

I have been asked many times, what is the standard time for most golfers? My answer is always the same: 'There is no recommended time." Everyone must work with what tempo works best for them. I have seen tempos range from .065 seconds to as much as 3.5 seconds.

Many golf swings have been destroyed by trying to slow his/her swing down. Not to say some golfers shouldn't slow their swing; however, others would improve if they'd speed up their backswing. I have found if the total swing time is under 1.5 seconds, one must speed up the backswing to match the downswing. With a quick tempo type swing, slowing down the backswing will do more harm than good. Remember, we want to encourage a smooth transition between up and down. Slowing the backswing down just creates a bigger differential between the backswing and the downswing. The downswing seems to be more difficult to control; therefore, try to speed up your backswing to even out the two.

Controlling tempo is much easier with a slower swing (over 1.5 seconds) versus a faster swing (under 1.5 seconds). It is very difficult to judge time when it involves any time under 1.5 seconds.

Count million one, million two, etc. while taking a practice swing. This will give you an idea how fast or slow your total swing time is. Then experiment with your tempo, trying to match the backswing and downswing time.

Think of tempo as a time span, a motion that is constant with all shots, regardless if it is a putt or a drive. Similar to child's swing, swinging back and forth.
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(570) 567-7821

Give your swing some R&R 
(Relaxation and Rotation) will create a good swing!

Rotating the chest with the shoulders, arms and hands relaxed will create an effortless repetitive swing. Think of an elephant moving its head back and forth allowing the trunk to simply hang and swing freely. That is actually what happens with a free relaxed golf swing. Imagine the chest being the elephant’s head and the arms and club the trunk. Try swishing the club freely through the grass back and forth utilizing the chest as the power source. After a few swishes chip a ball with the same feel, swish through the hitting area without scooping. Once you have produced a few solid hits, swing the club back and forth until the hands reach waist high. You will notice the momentum of the swing cocks the wrist automatically on both sides of the ball. Don’t allow the spine angle to sway, just rotate the chest. Work this into your full swing and you will play better golf.

Swish the club through the grass with the arms & hands relaxed; by rotating the chest, the arms are tention free.

golfing help

 Imagine turning in a tube without allowing any body parts except the hands and arms to get outside the vertical boundaries

pro golfing help

Turn Around Your Spine

Take practice swings while watching your shadow as shown above. This will give you the proper feel for keeping your spine angle, throughout the swing.

Starting the Downswing

Start the downswing as if you were pulling the club from a tube as demonstrated below. The knees move toward the target the same amount as the club is pulled from the tube, as if a rope was connecting the hands and knees. This will give you feeling of lower body leverage.
The butt end of the club must pass over the ball plane as shown by the dotted line above

The butt end of the club must pass over the ball plane as shown by the dotted line above

The butt end of the club must pass over the ball plane as shown by the dotted line above

As shown above keep the spine angle behind the ball until impact, then finish the swing by turning toward the target with the shoulders, hips and knees level as shown below.

Hitting From a Greenside Bunker

Hitting From a Greenside Bunker

When hitting from a green side bunker imagine your ball is on a dollar bill and you are sliding the club under it with the ball riding on a flying carpet, the ball actually rides on the sand.
golf ball on dollar
Imagine the ball is on a dollar bill.
There is very little leg action in this type shot, so stand a little bow legged.
golf tip
To give yourself a guide to how much sand to take out, imagine there is a board under the sand and your club will bounce off it.
The closer you are to the green the deeper the board is under the sand, up to one inch.
Setup properly and rid the slice as shown above.
Confused on which club to hit?
Comparing the trajectory between a 7 iron and a pitching wedge.
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